Recently my Spanish 3 students read Robo En la Noche by Kristi Placido. I planned the unit a little differently than I had planned previous units. This time, students read Robo independently outside of class so that we could use class time for other language acquisition activities.
The materials and schedule for this unit are from Alison Weinhold's Lit Circle unit I purchased on Teachers Pay Teachers. So first, I gave students a packet that included the Bryce Hedstrom Book Report form and enough Dual Entry Journal pages for every chapter. We scheduled when we would do the speaking and writing assessments for each of the literary elements on the book report form. Each week, we had one day in which we discussed the book and students would do a free write assessment. This was a great way to keep them accountable for their reading.
Their final product for this unit was a one pager. A one pager is kind of like an infographic in that the information is presented very graphically. I gave them rules for what the one pager needed to look look like and contain as well as a rubric which described how it would be graded. They are both included below. I was quite pleased with the outcomes of the one pagers. I think it really helped students summarize the text in a way that allowed them to be creative and expressive.
The materials and schedule for this unit are from Alison Weinhold's Lit Circle unit I purchased on Teachers Pay Teachers. So first, I gave students a packet that included the Bryce Hedstrom Book Report form and enough Dual Entry Journal pages for every chapter. We scheduled when we would do the speaking and writing assessments for each of the literary elements on the book report form. Each week, we had one day in which we discussed the book and students would do a free write assessment. This was a great way to keep them accountable for their reading.
Their final product for this unit was a one pager. A one pager is kind of like an infographic in that the information is presented very graphically. I gave them rules for what the one pager needed to look look like and contain as well as a rubric which described how it would be graded. They are both included below. I was quite pleased with the outcomes of the one pagers. I think it really helped students summarize the text in a way that allowed them to be creative and expressive.
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